Faith Communities Study Logo

Faith Communities Study Logo
Faith Communities Study Logo

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Greetings, and thank you for visiting our page! We are excited to introduce a new research study, and we welcome you to consider participating. Please read on for more information.

Title: Why do they stay? Exploring the protective functions of faith communities in the lives of LGBTQ people. Dr. Megan E. Gandy-Guedes IRB # 6227

Purpose: This study will look at the meaning of faith communities in the lives of LGBTQ people, with a specific focus on how LGBTQ people experience positive benefits from their involvement with a faith community.

Eligibility: You may participate if: (1) you are 18 years or older), (2) if you identify as non-straight (non-heterosexual) or as a non-cisgender individual (for example: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, etc.), and (3) if you are involved in a faith community. You can define “involvement” and “faith community” in any way you wish.

What's involved: If you are interested in participating, you will be asked to fill out a brief demographic survey and provide your contact information. Then, approximately 30 individuals will be selected from the list of people who are interested, and they will be asked to complete a 1 hour telephone interview.

If you complete the brief demographic survey and provide your contact information, you will be entered to win a drawing for an iPad mini. If you are later selected for a telephone interview, you will be given a gift card.

Contact information for the Principal Investigator: Dr. Megan E. Gandy-Guedes, megandy at ou dot edu, (405) three two five-1400.

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Twitter: @LGBTQFaithStudy or #LGBTQFaith

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